Product Description
Four Foundation Nutrients For Glucose Control, Muscle Mass and Insulin Balance Contains a one month supply of:
- Clear Omega
- Clear Soluble Fiber
- Clear Magnsium Calm 150 mg
- Dream Protein
Product Benetis:
• Source of essential amino acids involved in muscle protein
• Excellent source of protein, which helps build and repair body tissues
• Helps glucose control
• Source of magnesium for enzymatic function and metabolism
• Source of fiber to support good health
• Helps support and maintain a healthy digestive system
These four nutrients outlined below can help do wondrous things to your insulin receptors, in addition to many other beneficial metabolic effects. Amino acids from a viable protein source like whey, including L-carnitine, taurine and L-arginine, may also help to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. The benefits of these nutrients are most noticeable when supplements are taken regularly for at least three consecutive months. Of better yet, keep these as your foundation nutrients for longevity and metabolic health
High potency fish oils or plant-based omegas:Since each and every cell membrane in our body is made of fat, our dietary fatty acid intake is essential to the healthy composition of all our cells. When we eat fatty acids such as those in fish oils—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)—our cell membranes become more receptive to insulin.
The more insulin receptors we have on the surface of our cells, the lower our insulin levels. The lower our insulin levels, the less hormonal messages there are telling our body to store energy as fat. Healthy cell membranes allow us to enjoy greater wellness benefits and weight loss, as we prime our body for better insulin balance. There are numerous studies supporting the use of omega-3 fatty acids for weight loss, reduced inflammation and improved cell function. But when it comes to metabolic repair, omega-3s should be a staple in your daily supplement arsenal. A study published in Cell Journal noted that specific receptors found in fat cells are activated and generate a strong anti-inflammatory and an improved systemic insulin sensitivity effect in the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. A study conducted at the University of Alberta also revealed the ability of fish oil to preserve lean muscle tissue, even in patients undergoing chemotherapy. The trial involved 16 chemotherapy patients who took 2.2 grams of EPA a day, and 24 patients who did not. The study ran until patients completed their initial treatments, which lasted 10 weeks. Researchers discovered that a whopping 69 percent of patients in the fish oil group gained or maintained muscle mass, while only 29 percent of patients in the standard care group maintained muscle mass. Moreover, patients in control group lost one kilogram of muscle. Understand that metabolically active lean muscle can improve insulin sensitivity, therefore, you will recognize that these findings are very exciting—one more reason to include fish oil in your prescription for metabolic repair and aging well.
Each Softgel Contains:
Ingredient Origins: Derived from sardine and anchovy
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Ammonium hydroxide, ethyl cellulose, gelatin, glycerin, medium chain triglycerides, oleic acid, sodium alginate, stearic acid, tocopherols
Recommended Dose: Take 2 capsules per day, with meals and or before bed.
Contraindications: Consult your doctor before use if you are currently taking blood thinning medications. Stop one week prior to surgery.
A prebiotic fibre supplement: In addition to your fibre supplement also have two cups of cooked veggies (in soups, in stir-fries, baked or steamed, or cooled and added to salads) twice daily. Salad greens, celery and cucumber do not count for fibre. You won’t believe the difference the added fibre-rich veggies make for appetite control and satiety. So many of my patients on this program call the cooked veggies a “game changer.” Fibre boosts adiponectin, the hormone that burns fat, which your body releases when you exercise. Researchers have found that adding fibre to the diet increases adiponectin levels by as much as 115 percent. Fibre also stabilizes glucose levels and reduces the glycemic impact of meals (that’s the blood sugar spike after you eat), which improves insulin sensitivity. Fibre reduces blood insulin, the one and only hormone that tells your body to store fat—particularly around the belly, love handles, bra fat and upper-arm areas. If you are starving all the time, bloated, brain-fogged and craving carbs, you need to get your insulin in check. Fibre is one trick you can use to help.
It assists with the reduction of cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty liver disease. I had one male patient significantly reduce his weight and fatty liver condition on the three-month follow-up, as measured by the scale and by abdominal ultrasound. It was the regular intake of fibre in his daily smoothie, combined with lipotropic factors that help break down fat (like choline and the other nutrients in Clear Lipotrim), that made the difference.
Ensuring your body gets enough fibre each day is very important for bacterial balance and promoting bowel regularity. According to studies, increasing your intake of dietary fibre significantly reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious and respiratory diseases.
Per serving:
Recommended Dosage
Whey protein isolate: Check this out: the benefit of adding more protein to your workouts persists even if you don’t cut out your bad food choices. Research from the Journal of Applied Physiology (July 2014) found evidence to support the idea that exercise training and timed ingestion of whey protein, added to the normal diet of overweight or obese adults, is beneficial—independent of whether calories are restricted. This combination also had a positive effect on total and regional body fat distribution, insulin resistance and inflammatory compounds called adipokines. The authors tested 20 grams of whey protein given three times per day to three groups: whey protein only, whey protein and resistance exercise, and whey protein with an exercise program that varied (resistance exercise, intervals and stretching or yoga). All groups lost body weight, fat mass and abdominal fat; however, the group whose exercise was varied lost significantly more body weight and body fat. After 16 weeks, greater gains in muscle mass and lowering of blood sugar were seen in that group. Take home message – a scoop of whey protein three times per day even without exercise and without changing your diet causes loss of fat and an increase in muscle mass! A whey protein isolate is easier to absorb than a concentrate and tends to cause less digestive upset for individuals sensitive to dairy. Always choose protein powder supplements that are hormone-free and free of added sugar and artificial sweeteners, like Dream protein. One scoop contains 20 grams of protein.
Magnesium: Magnesium is involved in more than 300 physiological processes in the body, from the action of the heart muscles to the formation of bones and teeth, to the relaxation of blood vessels and the promotion of proper bowel function. Magnesium also plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and may influence the release and activity of insulin, which is turn helps control blood glucose levels. As a result, there is a strong link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance. In fact, most insulin resistant, overweight and Type 2 diabetic patients have a deficiency of magnesium, as reported in a recent article published in Clinical Nutrition Journal. This deficiency not only affects healthy blood sugar and insulin balance but is also is linked to increases in blood pressure and hypertension.
Several clinical studies have examined the positive impact that magnesium supplementation can have on Type 2 diabetes. In one such study published in Diabetes Care (2003), 63 subjects with below-normal serum magnesium levels received 300 mg elemental magnesium per day or a placebo. At the end of the 16-week study period, those who received the magnesium supplement had improved control of their diabetes. Magnesium improves our cellular response to insulin, stabilizes blood sugar, prevents cravings and reduces anxiety. Take 200 to 400 mg of magnesium glycinate daily. To promote bowel regularity and to treat and prevent constipation, increase to 600 to 800 mg per day, or to bowel tolerance.
Ingredients: Magnesium bis-glycinate-150mg per capsule
Recommended Dose: Take 1 to 4 capsules at bed (based on bowel tolerance, reduce dose by one capsule if you experience loose stools.
Contraindications: None known. Take this supplement away from antiobitoics or check with your pharmacy to determine optimal dosing.